The vital role of flat roof waterproofing condition surveys for NHS Hospitals

As the backbone of healthcare provision in the United Kingdom, NHS hospitals stand as pillars of support for millions of individuals every year. Within these bustling hubs of medical care, ensuring the structural integrity of every component is paramount, none more so than the often-overlooked flat roofs. These roofs protect the infrastructure beneath and require special consideration to their waterproofing. In this blog post, we delve into the significance of flat roof waterproofing condition surveys for NHS hospitals.

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Why Focus on Flat Roof Waterproofing?

Flat roofs are a common feature in hospital buildings and often accommodate a range of plant equipment such as HVAC systems. However, their design can make them susceptible to ponding water, leaks, and structural damage if not adequately waterproofed. In a hospital setting, where patient care and safety are paramount, any compromise in the structural integrity of the building can have far-reaching consequences.

The Importance of Condition Surveys

Regular condition surveys are essential for identifying potential issues with flat roof waterproofing before they escalate into significant problems. For NHS hospitals, where resources are often stretched, proactive maintenance is key to avoiding costly repairs and disruptions to critical services. These surveys, conducted by roofing experts, involve a comprehensive assessment of the roof's condition, which can include the following:

1.    Visual Inspections: Examining the roof surface for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, blisters, open laps and seams, or delaminated areas. Close attention must be paid to roof details, as these are historically the most vulnerableareas with traditional roofing materials often posing problems with age.

2.    Core tests: Its vital to understand the build up of the existing flat roof and detect any underlying issues within each layer of the roofs construction. Problems can be hidden from a simple visual inspection, such as damp insulation.

3.    Gutter and Drainage Assessment: Ensuring proper functioning of gutters and drainage systems to prevent water accumulation on the roof. Ponding water is a common sight on flat roofs and can lead to premature deterioration of some waterproofing membranes. 

Benefits of Regular Surveys for NHS Hospitals

Investing in regular flat roof waterproofing condition surveys offers several benefits for NHS hospitals:

1.    Cost Savings: Early detection of issues allows for prompt repairs, preventing minor problems from escalating into costly structural damage.

2.    Minimising Disruptions: Proactive maintenance helps avoid unplanned closures or disruptions to hospital services due to roof leaks or repairs.

3.    Ensuring Patient Safety: By maintaining a watertight building envelope, hospitals can safeguard patients, staff, and equipment from water-related hazards.

4.    Prolonging Roof Lifespan: Timely interventions and preventive measures extend the lifespan of flat roofs, reducing the need for premature replacements.

5.    Roof refurbishment: Cost-effective refurbishment of flat roofs can be achieved by overlaying existing waterproofing membrane with a new waterproofing system such as Triflex’s cold liquid applied solutions.


Flat roof waterproofing condition surveys are not merely a box to tick on a maintenance checklist; they are a crucial aspect of ensuring the reliability, safety, and longevity of NHS hospital buildings.

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