We understand that you want to find the best value, lowest risk, solution which has been specifically engineered for your project and our aim is to help you achieve this. All of our clients receive the same level of technical service, support and backup from the initial enquiry right up to delivery of your completed project. In fact, we pride ourselves in offering the best level of service in our industry, that's why our motto is 'Delivering solutions together'.

Technical services during the design stage
In addition to our technically focused Business Development Team who carry out the majority of surveys, Triflex has an extensive back office Technical Team, supplemented by fully equipped mobile Field Technicians. These Field Technicians carry the following equipment and provide nationwide support and testing facilities:
- Adhesion / cohesive strength testers
- Wet diamond core drills for large asphalt cores
- Core drills
- Moisture testers
- Compressive strength testers
- Pendulum skid testers

On-site support
Once your project commences Triflex will be on hand to provide:
- Site visits
- On-site support
- Site visit reports
- Attendance at site meetings, as required
- Testing and monitoring
- Provision of Health and Safety and other data for the Operation and Maintenance manual
It is our aim to work closely with all parties engaged in a given project, ensuring a finished product in which the client can have total confidence