Triflex SafetyCoat is a stand-alone, fast curing, cold liquid applied, coloured coating system and is the optimum solution for roof markings, walkways and signage. Marking systems for roofs are often required not only for health and safety but also for aesthetics. Triflex SafetyCoat is the ideal marking system for roofs and gives workers the reassurance of safe, non-slip access to all roof works. It’s laid onto the roof surface, so the roof itself remains protected.
System build-up

Primers (if required)
Cryl Primer 222

Primer for asphalt, bitumen, timber and other substrates.
Overcoat / traffic: 45 minutes
Consumption: 0.40Kg/m²
Cryl Primer 276

Primer for cementitious and other substrates.
Overcoat / traffic: 45 minutes
Consumption: 0.40Kg/m²
Primer 610

Primer for single-ply membranes, liquid coatings and coated metals.
Overcoat / traffic: 20 minutes
Consumption: 0.06L/m² min.
Metal Primer

Primer for metal substrates, also available as spray can.
Overcoat / traffic:
60 minutes using spray can
60 minutes using roller
Glass Primer

Primer for glass substrates.
Overcoat / traffic: 20 minutes
Consumption: 0.05L/m² approx.
Safety coating
Triflex Cryl SC 237

Anti-skid coating and demarcation system for roofs.
2.0Kg/m² min. with short pile roller head
2.5Kg/m² min. with medium pile roller head

Resin colours
Triflex SafetyCoat is available in a wide range of standard resin colours allowing the system to be tailored to meet aesthetic and project needs.