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To accommodate the vast amount of visitors parking, 111 Piccadilly boasts an open, surface car park to the rear that straddles the Rochdale canal. Inspection, identified that the existing macadam surfacing had degraded, through constant trafficking and exposure to the elements.

Case study
3.2 MB

The single 3,000m² storey car park at the popular Asda store in Huyton, Liverpool was showing significant signs of deterioration and was in need of urgent renovation. The existing asphalt substrate was installed a number of years earlier and had been subject to high levels of trafficking and exposure to the elements.

Case study
1.94 MB

This project required a waterproofing and surfacing solution that would meet the tight deadline to restore a council car park before the busy tourist season.

Case study
Case study
5.94 MB
Case study
20.52 MB
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Case study
5.56 MB

Cold liquid applied waterproofing, surfacing, coating and protection systems for car parks.

12.72 MB
Maintenance, care and cleaning
Case study
7.47 MB
Case study
6.86 MB
Case study
8.1 MB
Case study

Recently redeveloped the 9 storey car park wanted a smart, durable surfacing solution that would protect their car park for year to come.

Case study
2.37 MB

The hospital car park at Ninewells, Dundee outlined that their need for on-site parking was extremely high, as their current car park was suffering with water ingress from higher and causing structural damage and damage to parked cars.

Case study
2.04 MB