
Richard Bowyer from Triflex offers cold comfort

The 29th Cold Comfort Conference was recently hosted in Harrogate
Richard Bowyer from Triflex offers cold comfort at the event

The in person Annual Winter Service Conference is dedicated to those in this specialist service sector who strive to make the UK more resilient.  

The well attended conference included sessions that covered strategic approaches to winter servicing, climate change adaptation and results from the latest research and technologies.

As Vice Chair British Parking Association (BPA) Parking Structures group, Richard presented “Winter resilience and Parking.” The session delivered BPA’s expert guidance to making sure car parks are protected for the audience of local authorities, highways specialists and service providers.

Richard commented, “This year’s conference highlighted the rapid state of environmental change we are faced with. The eye-opening topics included adaption to climate change and local highways planning, flood management and resilience, monitoring environment changes through road sensor networks and decarbonisation of road transport. A genuinely interesting programme with a focus that should be high on everyone’s agenda.”

Richard co-wrote the BPA’s ‘Winter Maintenance in Car Parks’ guide, to deliver practical and handy advice on a number of options around de-icing and maintenance.